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Bodinh is an internally-focused healing practice created to help you live a beautiful life on and off your yoga mat. We believe that yoga can meet people where they are in all experiences of their lives - both in their illness and in wellness.
Bodinh is your pathway to experiencing intelligently crafted yoga classes that promote homeostasis in the body, mind, and spirit. Classes that help you to feel more connected, more grounded, and more at home in your own, perfectly unique body.
Through yoga and meditation, we are here to guide you along a path of self-transformation based on your present needs in order to access the deeper wisdom and healing power that we all have within.
The practice is simple - we use breath and movement to build strength in your body while also building strength in your mind. To shift from thinking into feeling deeply. This allows you to unwind habits that no longer serve you, and expand your resiliency on and off the yoga mat with grace. The Bodinh practice is complimentary to other healing modalities, and able to integrate seamlessly into your daily life.
Here at Bodinh, we foster the mentality that the focus is on the practice - there is no attainment of perfect poses, but rather a persistent and sacred progression. On our app, you’ll be able to find classes that are curated with an awareness of illness, injuries, and alternative roadblocks so that you can practice anytime, anywhere, no matter your present condition. The classes are also designed to be beneficial for and inclusive of all who practice them, from beginner to expert level yogis.
Bodinh is your place to connect, to heal, to grow, and to find freedom from suffering. As we ease suffering within ourselves, we ease the suffering of the whole world. We are all connected and one, and this beautiful healing ripples outwards for the benefit and expansion of us all.
Bodinh is your body in health, in wellness, and in beauty.
Bodinh, welcome home.